HomeCategory: CultureHow many times per day does an average human being lies?
Edewor NanaEdewor Nana asked 3 years ago
3 Answers
Edewor NanaEdewor Nana answered 3 years ago
Modern world that we all inhabit today is anchored on lies. The progeny of European will tell you they own America. The Arabs will tell you they own Egypt. Pretty soon, China will claim they own many nations in Africa and around the world when they cannot pay back their loans. Empirically, lie is ubiquitous and is practically pronounced in every cardinal points of the globe.   Truly, lies got us into the modern day mess and swamp that will take us millions of years to clean up. Lies are spoken in any family or household, in the Churches, in the Mosques, in all other religion houses, in governments around the world, in corporate entities, in parastatals, in the schools and Universities, in the United Nations (UN), in World Health organization(WHO), in food and drug industries, in insurance world etc. We lie to ourselves, to our wives, to our girlfriends, to our children, to our employees, to our citizens, to our congregations, to our electorates and vice versa. Why do we lie so frequently? Why are the books and the information we consume loaded with lies? Lies! Lies!! Lies!!! Your thoughts? Welcome to www.provocativedebate.com.
Okpako o. Nana answered 3 years ago
God created the world for you and I to enjoy all that is in it and be happy. Unfortunately, the evil minded ones amongst us created their own world by spreading lies and selfish ideology to control the world. Evidentially, the imperialist came to Africa with their religion, culture and lies with the aim of controlling the way Africa thinks. They demonize our culture and religion to drive home their point. Today, Africa that was once known for its sound moral, religion and decent culture has embraced the western equivalent gleefully. The way African celebrities imitate their western counterparts and promote nudity recently,  is a testimony to this fact. It's a shame our culture is fast heading into extinction.    Sincerely, lies has degraded our environment and culture. Lies has become a potent tool by power brokers across the globe to spread their nefarious agenda worldwide. The number of times an average individual lie cannot be quantify. Lies has promoted the physical growth of religions and organisations. Leaders often offer their followers mouth watering promises only to acquire power and start doing the opposite. Lies cause more damage than good. The contents of the books and information we get can trigger lies. So let's be mindful of what we consume. 
Ufuoma Nana answered 3 years ago
Most people — about 75 % of survey respondents — told zero to two lies per day. Lying comprised 7 % of total communication and almost 90 % of all lies were little white lies.