HomeCategory: HISTORYWith all the atrocities committed by Europe, should they be excluded from discussion of human rights?
doctornana asked 7 months ago
1 Answers
doctornana answered 7 months ago
History in its two major forms Oral and Written is loaded with templates passed from generations to generations. Criminal nations and leaders who happened to be powerful recreated these templates to suit themselves or in some cases destroy the information completely. The records I have read about nations like Japan, America and Western Europe are disturbing and depressing. Specifically, Europe created all the current crises that is consuming all the nations that they colonized and infusing their synthetic christianity to destabilized well established cultures. For instance, all the criminal politicians looting Nigeria to abyss come to the senate and federal house to be sworn as Christians knowing fully well they are not christians. Citizens are pushing for them to be sworn with the local deities and shrines but, they refused. Why? Because God would not kill any body. These strata of lies and falsifications gave Europe the impetus to parade themselves as soldiers of civil rights. Truly, they do not have the moral judgement to play that role. Therefore, I recommend that Europe should be excluded from any civil rights conversations. Should America and Japan be excluded as well or not? The debate is open!