HomeCategory: MEDICINEOrganic versus genetically modified organisms (GMOs) products, which is healthier and why?
doctornana asked 9 months ago
1 Answers
Edewor NanaEdewor Nana answered 8 months ago
All human feed on animals and plants products daily. In the past, majorities of the world population fed on organic products be it plant or animal. Human knowledge continue to grow in science and technology, this impacts the world population growth resulting in famine. In order to find a lasting remedy, man resolved to production of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).  Comparatively, the organic foods are better.....taste better while the GMOs taste less better and poses healthcare concerns. But, a lot of people do not know the difference between Organics and GMOs. I hereby recommend public education on organics and GMOs foods and health and wellness merits and demerits.