HomeCategory: NATUREIs Tomato a fruit or vegetable?
doctornana asked 8 months ago
2 Answers
doctornana answered 8 months ago

Botanically, Tomato is a fruit not a vegetable. Professionals like judges in the United States should stay in their lane, stop extrapolating into zones that you have no cerebral content of and do not classify a tomato as a vegetable. Please, do not confuse the ordinary man and our children. Empirical evidence abound that a fruit comes from the flowering part of a plant while the edible parts of a plant including roots, leaves, stem etc are vegetables. Some fruits have no seeds while others have a single or multiple fruits. Both vegetables and fruits with dosed and prescribed exercises by a physical therapist is the best medicine for your body and soul.

Edewor NanaEdewor Nana answered 1 month ago
Truly tomato is a fruit by botanical classification