HomeCategory: PEOPLEA politician, a mortgage company, a Bank and Wall street, who do you trust and why?
doctornana asked 8 months ago
1 Answers
doctornana answered 8 months ago
All these groups are known for speaking from both sides of their mouths. The mortgage companies are known for collecting monies from the smartest home owners for years. Guess what? if you can't pay your mortgage for six months and you been living in this house for twenty years, they kick you out and repossess the property. Empirical fact sheets revealed that the Banks and the mortgage companies are conjoint twins. They are not your friend, be alert 24/7 when dealing any of them.   Wall street is chameleon-like, the more you study it the more you are confused. Their bad reputation go way back, they use to conduct the sales of slaves that is black people. Have they pay any reputation yet? Finally, the politicians wear the crown of the most corrupt group of Homo Sapien quadruped on earth. They created the banks, the mortgage companies and Wall street and they have been fueling all them forever. The politicians are acting god, jolting our cultures, lie about cultural diversity, fuel phenomenon of dominance and social stratification all over the global map. They invented axis of evil, terrorism, allies, enemies, dictatorship, religion and you name it. Do not trust politicians because they sow seeds of division in order to conquer mankind. Welcome to www.provocativedebate.com.