HomeCategory: PEOPLEIf you and your wife have been married for 30 years, the union is blessed with four (4) children. Something moved your spirit, you conducted a DNA test on all of them, the results revealed that three (3) of the children are not yours. What would be your line of actions?
doctornana asked 8 months ago
1 Answers
doctornana answered 8 months ago
Things happen in this world, some are really tough to deal with. Truly, after 30 years of marriage, this revelation will shake the family to its foundation. Its cascading impacts will be geometric. Can a man handle this monster in his house, keep the wife and the children? Practically, individual's responses will vary depending on your cultural, religion and moral background. Assuming, it is just the first child, interpretations will differ. But, three out of four children are not mine......this is more than a "witch hunt", it is a total annihilation of moral fibers in a marriage.   First, I will call a family meeting involving my family members and her family members. I do like to know whether I was not fucking her enough, taking care of her enough or I have offended her. The part two will be the revelation of the DNA results to the children right in the face of their mother, encourage her to reveal the name(s) of their real father(s). Thereafter, I  will move out of the house with my only biological child to start a new chapter in my life. Would I marry again or not will be determine by the next woman because everybody is not the same. The divorce will be an accelerated one to regain my mental and physical health resulting from this bomb shell. Honestly, human beings are more dangerous than nuclear weapons. Your thoughts? Welcome to www.provocativedebate.com.