HomeCategory: PEOPLEShort woman versus tall woman which is better sexually?
doctornana asked 8 months ago
1 Answers
doctornana answered 8 months ago
Short, tall, slim or fat, they are all created by the Supreme being. Every man has his type of woman, taste and option are variable. Statistically, there are tall women who can make love to you and you forget where you are. So are some short ladies, they sap energy from you in a joyous way and no complains of exhaustion post the event. I for one like tall woman preferable slim. Some tall slim girls can "WWF" you for over 30 minutes when I was younger.   But, there is an advantage credited to a short and slim girl, one can flip her over as much as you can. You the bad boys way back know what I am talking about. Now, as we grow older and more mature, mannerism is very crucial and pertinent to sexual events. Because, as you grow older, penis do not do all the thinking for you but the brain is in control. Any demonstration of weird and disrespectful behaviours will abort the excite index. Your thought could be different from mine. Welcome to Provocativedebate.com.