HomeCategory: SPORTSThe Olympics sports are not a true reflection of the global cultures, should this sporting fiesta be dismantled and reconstituted?
doctornana asked 8 months ago
1 Answers
doctornana answered 8 months ago
Olympics games philosophy is based on the coming together of sports men and women to compete in various sports. One good thing, it produces the best of men and women in different facets of sporting endeavours. That said, I believe very strongly that olympics should be dissolved, reconstituted and restructured. If you X-ray all the invents in this ongoing games, a very high percentage of them are European or/and Europe extrapolations origin. There are numerous games in Africa and Asia for instance that are of Olympics standard and will inject fresh excitement into the games. Furthermore, the hosting is overtly bias, it needs to be restructured and rotated from continent to continent. Common! let us spread the wealth and excitements to every cardinal points of the planet. As we debate, I have over six games on the tip of my finger in Nigeria that can easily be included in Olympics. We all should be bear in mind that exclusion will continue to deoxygenate the games and some countries may come up with a similar games fiesta that eventually annihilate olympics out of our map. The phenomenon of dominance and control is cancerous to every human experience on Earth, stop it! Your thoughts!