HomeCategory: TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCEIs AI a curse or a blessing to humanity?
doctornana asked 7 months ago
1 Answers
doctornana answered 7 months ago
In the journey of man on planet Earth, the are series of paradigm shifts. Human knowledge is constantly undergoing evolution and revolution resulting in new ideas and creativities. The birth of artificial intelligence (AI) is a special evolution in science and technology sphere. I was in a conference today and was selected into a panel to discuss AI. There are so many facets of life where AI can be useful. These include but not limited to healthcare, finance, infrastructures, agriculture, mining, science and technology, management, education, skill acquisition training, security and intelligence and so forth.   On the other hand, there are some demerits to AI use. Some of the disadvantages are : Data that could be unsafe, spying on innocent people, creating unemployment, it could be used by terrorists and fraudsters, could be weaponized during war, it is already been used to cheat in education, can be possibly used for human trafficking and the list is unending. But, AI comes in form of a machine, this is a device which enable us to conduct work more easily and more conveniently than could be done by hands under the supervision of human. In conclusion, AI has both advantages and disadvantages, comparatively, the merits out weigh the demerits. Therefore, the transportation vehicle has left the motor park, AI has come to stay with us for good until something better is invented by mankind. Welcome to provocativedebate.com.