HomeCategory: WARIf Ukraine fall to Putin and Russia, would Mr Putin continue with his territorial expansion?
doctornana asked 8 months ago
1 Answers
doctornana answered 8 months ago
Let the truth be told, the expansionism originate from Europe and the Middle East. In case, you do not know, the following nations are some of the progeny of expansionism. America, Canada, majority of North Africa, and a whole lot of other colonized nations. Concisely, powerful nations are the causal agents of these abnormalities. Russia and Ukraine were part of the U.S.S.R. before the collapse of the union and they blame United States for the demise of U.S.S.R. Obviously, deep minded people or individuals like Vladimir Putin are not happy with the break up. As a result, he kick started annexation of part of Ukraine, then went further to  retake the whole nation. Now, Europe and America are worried someone beating them on their games. Therefore, they united behind Ukraine but no one is testicular enough to go bomb Russia because of the Nuclear weapons in their war arsenal. The bottomline is that, Putin should be stopped else, he will annex all neighbouring nations. This will create a Tsunami in the continent of Europe with a global cascading impacts on Economy and politics. Mr Putin is a man on mission, stop or face the sequelae. Your thoughts! Welcome to provocativedebate.com.